What We Do

AUGEN - the Australasian Universities Geoscience Educators Network - was established in early 2012. We encourage and support excellence in teaching and learning in geoscience across Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific. Please join us!

Geoscience education is important. Geoscience is required in many fields now and will be increasingly important into the future. Training in geoscience provides a critical perspective on Earth history that informs decision making in many different fields. Teaching excellence is about the future success of our research and our discipline more broadly.

Our goals

  • AUGEN exists to promote geoscience education widely

  • AUGEN exists to encourage and support excellence in teaching and learning

  • AUGEN exists to provide an network for geoscience educators to: (1) share resources (2) develop peer-peer support networks regardless of where they are on their teaching and learning journey (3) learn more about the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (4) establish and undertake geoscience education research projects

What we’ve achieved

  • Immersive visualisation OLT project led by Dr Michael Roach (University of Tasmania) with collaborators within AUGEN - ausgeol.org

  • Annual meetings (2012, Adelaide, 2013, Townsville, 2014, Brisbane, 2015 Melbourne, 2016 Canberra, 2018 Sydney, 2020 Tasmania, 2021 online)

  • Collection of teaching materials (members only)

  • Resources for teaching and learning

  • AUGEN Conversations online events

  • AUGEN Geoscience Education Research online events

Current projects

  • 2022 Virtual Meeting - 4 February 2022

  • Spatial cognition study

  • Teaching materials collection

  • Virtual fieldwork resources