Virtual meeting 2022
Our 2022 AUGEN TEAM meeting was held online on Friday 4 February
Recording now available:
Audio/Video - https://unimelb.zoom.us/rec/share/s1-2_39NAt9tw5U01TI752PTvMDZSOSCKx2jhBphnAGKNy4dSAvi7B23muGrNi9-.YUtPouKpJYetUlJ0 (Passcode: 9&py.v35)
Audio Transcript - https://unimelb.zoom.us/rec/share/JSEDWCLCp_arOjn2witcOXga5zBKhrmxhuJH2if2LGaUuORCIfmAmGPGGP4qSykN.4LKixYjIKhuNl5ny (Passcode: 9&py.v35)
Chat file - Download .txt file here
Some slides from the presentations have also been made available, thanks to the speakers!
Marion Anderson, Monash University - Staycation: The field trip you have when you can’t leave home! - Download here
Tom England, Casey Kavanagh, Nathan R. Daczko (Macquarie University) Bringing the field to the screen: A virtual field trip in the age of lockdowns - Download here
Richard Lilly (University of Adelaide) The NExUS program – teaching industry and professional skills in exploration - Download here
And sharing the link to the fabulous video from Bonnie Teece and Carol Oliver’s students at UNSW: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DjoT-gRrn4E
And the equally fabulous Hartley virtual field trip from Tom, Casey and Nathan at Macquarie University: https://sites.google.com/mq.edu.au/hartley/home
(Note that all times given are AEDT, please convert to your local time)
1:00 PM
Welcome, Acknowledgement of Country, Introduction
Sandra McLaren (AUGEN President, University of Melbourne)
1:10 PM
Making 3-D Virtual Field Trip creation as simple as PowerPoint
Carol Oliver (UNSW)
1:30 PM
Virtual field trips in Astrobiology
Bonnie Teece (UNSW)
1:50 PM
Simulation models of volcanic eruptions using immersive technologies
Heidi Lukosch (Canterbury University)
2:10 PM
Outreach to Schools – General discussion session – led by Anne-Marie Tosolini (University of Melbourne)
2:30 PM
3:00 PM
Bringing the field to the screen: A virtual field trip in the age of lockdowns
Tom England, Casey Kavanagh, Nathan R. Daczko (Macquarie University)
3:20 PM
Student acceptance of online lecturing before/after CV19; do students still listen?
Domenik Wolff-Boenisch (Curtin University)
3:40 PM
Staycation: The field trip you have when you can’t leave home!
Marion Anderson (Monash University)
4:00 PM
The NExUS program – teaching industry and professional skills in exploration
Richard Lilly (University of Adelaide)
4:20 PM
Geoscience Education Research – Breakout groups to workshop thematic research questions – led by Jackie Dohaney (soon to be University of Edinburgh!)