πŸ“£ First year teaching discussion πŸ“£

Friday 7 October

10-12 pm WA

11:30-1:30 NT

12 - 2 pm Qld/PNG

12:30-2:30 pm SA

1-3 pm Vic/NSW/ACT/Tas

2-4 pm Fiji

3-5 pm NZ

Join us for a series of short (5 minute) presentations from first-year geoscience co-ordinators about teaching at their respective universities. Presenters include Melanie Finch – JCU, Lloyd White – University of Wollongong, Sara Moron-Polanco – University of Sydney, Marion Anderson – Monash University, Michael Ellwood – ANU, Myra Keep – UWA, Alan Collins – University of Adelaide, Nathan Daczko – Macquarie University, Anne-Marie Tosolini – University of Melbourne, Gilbert Price – University of Queensland and Fred Jourdan – Curtin University

Following these presentations, we will have a general discussion on the key points around recruitment of first-year students, retention of first-year students, and pedagogy in first-year teaching.

Following the event we aim to produce a short document that (1) summarises the current β€˜state of play’ in first year teaching and (2) highlights some aspects of best practice, and some common challenges, in first year geoscience teaching.

** Registration is required to join this event ** https://unimelb.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMtceivrDopH9DhqwjzYNlijF63mrLNCDjA