Current Projects
Virtual meeting 2022
Please join us on Friday 4 February 2021 for virtual meeting and workshop!
Spatial cognition study
Please get in contact with Sandra about participating in a study of spatial cognition in geology students, planned for 2021 (Australasian Universities only)
Teaching collection
AUGEN curate a collection of teaching materials including assessment ideas, rubrics, exam questions and field exercises that are available to members with password protection
Existing members can login using the link. New members please join AUGEN and then contact the committee for access to these resources.
If you would like to share your resources with others, please get in contact with the committee!
We want to hear your stories of teaching and learning in geoscience!
We would be particularly interested in student reflections on components of their studies so we can share them here. Please get in touch by email with your idea or blog style piece
Are you new to your teaching role? Are you not new, but keen to expand your teaching practice? We can help!
Get in contact with the committee to participate in a pilot program matching teaching academics for the purpose of peer-peer learning and mentoring (beginning 2021)